About Me

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Ashley Connor is the name. Freelance writing is my game. I have a bachelors degree in Journalism from Clarion University of Pennsylvania |S/O CU c/o 2009| -- It's now 2014 and my life has truly taken it's own path. I've learned through everything you can't always plan your next move but whatever the move is make it your best. In this day and age it's all too often we focus on what's "Hot" instead of what has been, what is and what will be. I have a lot of projects I am currently working on and while I continue to make my way I always have this blog, a place to keep me grounded in the woman I am continuously working to be. I was here.

Friday, September 7, 2012


Well, it has been a long time since I've logged on to this blog. I felt it was very appropriate for me to finally post something before I have one of those milestone Birthday's pass. In a week I will be 25 years old. I can't believe it. More than ever now I have such a strong sense of self and what I want out of life. It's been a trying past six months but as I always say, "Giving up isn't an option."

Well what do I want to talk about? This upcoming presidential election. After watching the Republicans and the Democrats national conventions I couldn't be more ready to for one, get my on camera career on the move. It's clear to me that politics are my thing. I am more than interested in them and I hate that so many aren't aware of what is going on.Secondly, I want to make a difference in how my community views our government and how we can make things work for us. We all know there are lies and stretched truths that come from both sides. What is important is that people hear both sides and make the best decision for yourself and CHECK THE FACTS! They are out there!

We aren't too far away from the times when the only people who could vote were white men. Many of us still have our grandparents who witnessed times like that. What I want to address is the people who chose to not vote. My question for you is, why not? So many people have fought and/or died for this right that truly does make a difference. Have you ever thought that you don't see results that positively effect you because you don't vote? The people who are catered to are the majority of who votes. Of course you have the people with BIG money but that is only 1% of the population. The government does what we LET them do. It's clear and simple. They make it so confusing so YOU don't get involved.

When thinking about what I wanted to write in this blog on politics I wanted to make sure that I gave a non-bias thought on voting. Your choice, is your choice but either way you need to make one. Money makes the world go 'round and where is our money? In the hands of some politician. (No, not literally but in my opinion technically.) You see those deductions on your pay stub every payday! Whether you vote or not they WILL take your money and use it how they please. So why not take a stand on how that is used. We won't be afforded some of the things that our grandparents had the opportunity to take care of. Retirement for our generation is a long time away. God willing we make it to that point. Changes being made about your life and what you can do with it are made by people who will never come to you and ask, "Does this work for you?" So how do you let them know if it works? Vote them IN or OUT of office!! Again, these people are there because WE put them there.

For me, voting is very important. I have voted in every election since I turned 18. Yes, every year I am in some voter booth casting my vote!! The local politics are even more important because that effects you directly. The president has a small impact on your immediate life. We normally don't feel those decisions until months, even years after changes are made.

So, overall, I just want you to know that your vote is important! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get out and vote November 6th!! Get your PHOTO ID! You have TWO DISTINCT DIFFERENCES TO DECIDE ON! Take your pick!

Friday, March 30, 2012

True Feelings in 2012

Over the past month I feel like I have looked at things in the world a lot differently. I see how divided our country is, a place that is suppose to be the land of the free, the equal  and people living The AMERICAN DREAM.

I believe in me and what I stand for. I was blessed with a very outspoken personality and I will never be ashamed of it. That saying, "If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything" is really ringing a lot of bells for me. We'll never live in a world where everyone will like one another or agree on every matter we come across. I ranted in February about Black History month and where I feel my culture is going and the issues I have with the way people are so I will not dwell on that anymore. I said it and all I can do is pray and actively make a difference with things I see going wrong. I am only one person but I know I make a difference to people I deal with in my life.

I have a passion for working with teenagers but it isn't something I want to do as a career. I like to be a mentor and a support system to those around me. No, I'm not rich I can't financially help people but what I am is an honest and genuine person. I want the best for anyone I know. I am the biggest cheerleader for all who are near to me, it just comes naturally ;-)

It saddens me to see how quick people can be to put others down, especially when they are acting in their best interest. We live in a world where we are too quick to judge people, especially someone we don't know, in my opinion your only slighting yourself.

Respect is another thing that has gone out the window. I come in contact with people that I know have no respect for the people around them, it disgusts me, I had to learn how to deal with that. How? I act like they don't exist. If I don't exist, neither do you. I keep my mouth shut, I pray they keep theirs shut and we keep it moving.

I guess this is the part of me saying I have tough skin. Yes I cry, I am the biggest crybaby! My older brother has told me that for as long as I remember. I don't mind, though. Once my tears have been shed I feel like a weight is lifted off me. It is my way of coping with anger, fear, pain and sometimes happiness.

Currently, our country is currently debating over the killing of Trayvon Martin. I have expressed my opinions numerous times and they still remain the same. All I want to say in this situation is there is wrong and there is right. There are 3 sides to every story and in this case we will only hear one becasue the other person can no longer speak for themself and there are no witnesses to tell the truth. There is video out of George Zimmerman after the "altercation" he says he had with Martin, looking as if nothing was wrong. No blood, no ripped shirt, no broken nose... I can go on. Things like this happen way too much and there has to come a time when injustices like this stop. That city is crying for help because Trayvon Martin isn't the first and unfortunately he won't be the last. Don't fight for race, fight for equality. I already know what it is, I don't need anyone to tell me differently. My eyes and ears are open! 

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Going With the Flow :-)

So lately I have been getting to my blogs at the end of the month. Thank goodness for the leap year becasue I have an extra day to get something up here this month.

Sooo whats new!? Not too much... as I tell everyone else same 'ol ish, just a different day. BUT things are GREAT! I have learned to realize things will never go as planned, no matter how much I try. I take things day by day and being happy with where I am at, at the moment is all I need. I can't worry about the days that haven't come.

My freelance writing has really been taking off. My editor has been throwing me stories every chance she gets. I have always wanted to pursue being a freelance writer along with being a journalist and I am proud to have started that part of my career. It keeps me positive and I feel good about the work that I do. I'll have to post links to my stories on here once they are published. Everything is about community and the positives things going on in the Western Pennsylvania region.

In other news:

My job search is still ongoing {BLAH}. Yea I'm so over it but giving up like I always say is JUST NOT AN OPTION!!! I know God has something in the works for me and it really sucks being on the side of not knowing. I seriously think I give God a show with my anticipation. I know he laughs at me... I can say the darndest things lol. He is making me stronger, though it seems like the finish line is so far away. I see the light but it's still in the distance. When I need it I always have my Angels on earth. The write words, text, email, or phone call always seems to make its way to me right when I need it. Because He is always on time :-) I heard some news that I didn't want to hear but I took it with a grain of salt. Knowing it wasn't me or anything I did for the outcome that came to be helped me get through the news. I know the things that are happening for me are for a reason. The day I find out, I swear I'm going to do cartwheels everywhere I go!

Switching gears - (In my broadcaster voice) LoL

It's Pisces season!!! Let me tell you I LOVE me a Pisces. Some of the closest people to me are Pisces! They know who they are ;-) Happy Birthday to you all, I LOVE LOVE LOVE you soooo much. Thanks for being you XOXO (Dontae, Alicia, Shantell, Sydni G., & Ambuler)

February - Black History Month ( Yea I had to say something about it)

You know, I like to watch TV during Black History Month. There is always a good PBS documentary on or some show discussing Black History and it always amazes me how ignorant our society can be today.

So many people fought for our rights to have a voice and be proud of who we are as a race and so many people take those rights for granted. Of course something like jail or even death can take all of those rights away but it shouldn't have to come to that. It's clear we are an intelligent group of people and I hope to one day be able to make a big impact in the world because I feel we need to do better.

I had a conversation with one of my favorite Pisces friends (Alicia) and she was telling me about her marketing company, Pure Ambition, and why she wanted to start something up like this. One things she shared was how we were fortunate to grow up and have women who look just like us to impact our lives in such a major way. Unfortunately things like that aren't available to the youth anymore.

The saying, "It takes a village to raise a child," is so true to me. I was blessed to have parents keep me grounded along with men and women who helped to support me as I became a woman. At some point we have to get back to that. I just hope it is sooner than later.

So this was one of my random blogs. I don't really have a purpose or one idea I am trying to get across except, I'm going with the flow and do what make you happy. My immediate needs are always met because I serve an amazing God.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Happy New Year... What a month!

Well for starters can I say January has been quite a month!? Mostly good things ;-)

I hope to finally get that start on-air in the TV business that I have been working towards. My new resume reel is finished and all I need now is that opportunity to expand on my desire of being a journalist. Here is the YouTube Link:

Ashley Connor 2012 Reel

I'm truly proud of the product that I delivered on my new reel. One thing I do not like to do is brag, I like my work to speak for itself. I do a lot of things on my "off" time and this is a BIG reason why I am always so busy. Since none of my jobs involve me working on this part of my career I have to do it on my own time. It know it will all pay off one day. I did get the opportunity of having my first interview at a TV station about a week ago for Reporter/Producer job. I will say it went well and no matter what the outcome is I know I made an impression, it's up to God now if he feels that is where I should get my start. In the mean time I'll leave it all up to him.

I also received an email from my editor for the magazine I freelance for and she commended me on the improvement in my writing from when I started in September. It helped me realize the time I put in to perfect my craft is working. I take pride in the things that I do and I never want it to seem like I am "half assing" with my work.

Another great thing this month was being able to see my cousin, Donna. She is a reporter in Atlanta, GA and also one of the reason I want to pursue this career as a journalist. I look up to her so much and it's a blessing to have someone in this business that I know will be honest with me. She tells me things I may not want to hear but need to hear and keeps me on my toes. I haven't seen her in a couple of years so it was nice that we were able to see each other for a brief moment. It's motivation when someone who has had a career like Donna continues to encourage me and lets me know I can do this.

I've been told a number of times by my friends and family that 2012 is going to be my year. To me it is very cliche but those words I will say help me stay focused on my goal. I pray that 2012 will be a life changing year for me and although I know every moment won't bring a smile to my face it will add to the seasoned woman that I am. My trials and tribulations are not over and my pursuit to being a journalist is still underway. I welcome everything that this new year has to offer me. What I will do is stay encouraged.