To this day I can't fathom why in the work place not matter your position people can't respect one another. I know we don't live in a perfect world and I know that everyone is not at the same maturity level but there has to come a point where certain things are not tolerated.
My problem today is RESPECT.
One thing I will say about myself is I will always hold myself to a standard where I give others around me the SAME respect I want and expect in return. When you cross that line I have a problem and I am not the girl who will let someone disrespect me. I have never been okay with it and I will never be! What I also won't do is let someone who has disrespected me take me out of my character but I will let you know I will not stand for it.
Something I NEVER want to do is use "The Black Card" but sometimes its hard when you know it's being used against you. In a work environment where I am the ONLY black person in the building until talent shows up normally is not a hard thing until their is an issue. Who (those that don't look like me) wouldn't believe "The black girl acted unprofessional" because I sternly made a statement to get someone to quit yelling at me & it worked. Did I intimidate you? I believe I did! I came at you correct and let you know what you will not do to me!
I appreciate the fact that I have a job where two of my mentors are there and I can always trust to go to them and vent and let out my frustrations. Especially working in this industry where these people can be nasty. Its easy for me to get all "sister girl" and tell everyone what I believe they need to hear but that would only give them what they expect from someone WHO LOOKS LIKE ME. I guess it just upsets me more that I don't have any voice besides mine to stand up for me when I work the shift that I work so I feel like its me against the world. Its funny to see people pull out anything to make me look like the bad person. I know I didn't do anything wrong and if it ever came down to it I know in my heart I did the right thing.
I believe if you let one person walk all over you they will continue to do so along with their friends who watch it happen as well. You can be the CEO of a company but you better believe if you don't respect the person who is at the bottom in someway it can and will bite you in the butt! It is true GOD DOESN'T LIKE UGLY!
No matter how far in life you get you should never burn bridges with people!
Simply stated all I ask for is RESPECT!